PinnedBerghain: How I Got into Berlin’s Most Exclusive ClubUpon coming to Berlin, I had inevitably heard about the famous club Berghain. My faint idea of it was that it was some sort of techno…Feb 21, 20197Feb 21, 20197
My theories on timeWhile I lack a formal education in physics and time, I have some some conjectures based on my observations of the universe, space, time…Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023
My TBI and Post-Concussion Syndrome ExperienceNever in a million years did I ever expect to deal with a concussion, and never did I understand the seriousness of such an injury. Before…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
How to sell your own NFTs for freeIf you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re aware of the hype surrounding NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. Perhaps you’re interested in creating…Feb 2, 2022Feb 2, 2022
Losing my last quarter of college to COVID-19Four years ago, I was lucky enough to get admitted to my dream university. It completely changed my life, but going to college at Stanford…Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020
Want to Negotiate Better? Read These 11 TipsNegotiation is so often perceived as a negative process, for tactful business people engage in a zero-sum game about finances. Resolution…Jul 20, 2019Jul 20, 2019
ParticipationWhen I was young, what I had the most trouble with in school was participation. I would always come back with a report card consisting of…Apr 14, 20191Apr 14, 20191
Has Social Media Killed Romance?In the past, every time I had to go through a hard break-up, I resorted to social media. Instagram was a doorway that led me to constantly…Feb 5, 20191Feb 5, 20191